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The Tiger nuts (Cyperus Sculentus Lativum) are not really nuts but small tubers that came in different sizes. It has a rough rounded shape with earth-like color. They grow as small tuberous rhizomes of a sedge grass and are cultivated around the world. They are very rich in protein and fiber content.

In Nigeria, the Hausas call it ‘Aya’, Yorubas  call it ‘Imumu’, Igbos call it ‘Ofio’ or ‘Aki Hausa’ while Spanish call it ‘Chufa’ and produce a drink called ‘Horchata de Chufa’ from it. Hausa make a drink called ‘Kuunu Aya’ from it also.

Tiger nuts can be eaten fresh, roasted, boiled or juiced. They are dried to make them shelf – stable. Further processing of tiger nuts are made to produce tiger nut flour and tiger nut milk. The leaves ( grass ) are used as livestock food.

Tiger nuts taste like coconuts. They have a taste and texture that’s reminiscent of coconut and almond.

Health Benefits of Tiger Nuts:

Tiger nuts are known for their health benefits. They are rich in fiber, proteins, and natural sugar.

  • It prevents coronary heart diseases,

  • It helps in regulating intestinal functions, good for people with IBS ( Irritable Bowel Syndrome ),

  • It is low in calories and fat,

  • It helps to slow down cellular aging,

  • It also helps to control blood pressure,

  • Its high fiber content helps in weight loss,

  • It has twice the quantity of starch as potatoes,

  • It is a health substitute for lactose intolerance,

  • It cures erectile dysfunction,

  • It is rich as non-meat protein source,

  • It controls diabetes,

  • It is anti- oxidant.

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Characteristics of Tiger Nuts.

They are also very rich in Magnesium, Phosphorous, Potassium, Vitamin C and E.


Tiger nuts are available fresh and in dried form in order to preserve them. The dried nut if soak in water for about 4 hours can be rehydrated and become soft and tasty again.

Our tiger nuts after harvested are properly washed to remove any sand and later sun – dried to preserve them. We assure you of high quality tiger nuts by our selected qualified farmers all year round.

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